Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting Reception
The annual meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) is the premier meeting for our discipline. A customary university reception is held each year on Thursday evening of this meeting. The first UC systemwide reception was organized by the BIC in 2018 that included 9 campuses, numbering ~400 participants. The last one was in Philadelphia in 2019. This meeting is critical for recruiting undergraduate and graduate students along with new faculty recruitment and collaboration. The BIC has taken a lead role to assist in the funding and organization of this reception along with joint recruitment efforts at BMES. This gathering also will serve as an opportunity to take advantage of an 8 month head start in informing and soliciting assistance from the leadership to increase participation and coordination for the annual UC systemwide BME summer conference. It also serves as a much larger platform for communicating the successes and activities of BME in California and for initiating collaborations and strategizing on industry and government policy across the country.