History of the Multi-Campus Research Unit
The Bioengineering Institute of California (BIC) was officially established in 2003, with its activities launched in 2000 by organizing the inaugural Systemwide Bioengineering Symposium at UC Davis. This meeting has been held continuously over 20 years rotating among all ten UC campuses. The 19th meeting was held in June 2018 at UC Riverside, the 20th meeting was held at UC Merced. The 21st meeting was postponed due to COVID-19 and will commence on June 24-25 2021, with Don Ingber, Professor of Vascular Biology, Surgery, Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Director, Wyss Institute as the plenary speaker. This meeting is typically attended by several hundred faculty and students who deliver the majority of oral and poster presentations. The Symposia has had active industry participation. It provides an excellent forum for students and faculty to get together from all ten campuses to exchange information and foster interactions, innovations, and collaborations in research and education in bioengineering.